Dear Colleagues,
As formalized into ISR Policy on June 1, 1997, the core of the scientific work completed at the Institute is the maintenance and expectancy of respondent confidentiality. Assurance of this expectation is vital to the research of all employees, non-employee affiliates, sponsors and respondents. To ensure this protection occurs, I am requesting that you complete the annual requirement of reviewing the Institute’s Policy on Safeguarding Respondent Confidentiality and sign the associated Pledge. It is important to complete this as soon as you can to comply with all relevant sponsor requirements.
Similar to last year, we are able to offer a format for reading the Policy and “signing” the Pledge through the ISR Intranet. To complete the process over the web, you will need your UM ID number. If you prefer, signing a paper copy continues to be an option. Signed paper copies of the Pledge must be turned into your Center Administrator. To sign the electronic pledge or download a paper version for signature, you can use the links provided via this page.
If you have any questions about the Policy content, please contact me or your Center Director. Your Center Administrator should be able to address any process concerns.
Thanks and best wishes.
Kathleen A. Cagney
Sign the Pledge Electronically
Pledge to Safeguard Respondent Confidentiality
I have read the Institute for Social Research Policy on Safeguarding Respondent Confidentiality, and pledge that I will strictly comply with that Policy. Specifically:
- I will not reveal the name, address, telephone number, or other identifying information of any respondent (or family member of a respondent or other informant) to any person other than an employee directly connected to the study in which the respondent is participating.
- I will not reveal the contents or substance of the responses of any identifiable respondent or informant to any person other than an employee directly connected to the study in which the respondent is participating, except as authorized by the project director or authorized designate.
- I will not contact any respondent (or family member, employer, other person connected to a respondent or informant) except as authorized by the project director or authorized designate.
- I will not release a dataset (including for unrestricted public use or for other unrestricted uses) except in accordance with authorization, policies and/or procedures established by ISR and the Center with which I am affiliated.
- I will take all necessary precautions to avoid unintended disclosure of confidential information, including securing of paper and electronic records, computers, user IDs and passwords.
I agree that compliance with this Pledge and the underlying Policy is: 1) a condition of my employment (if I am an employee of ISR), and/or 2) a condition of continuing collaboration and association with ISR (if I am an affiliate of ISR). I understand that violation of this Policy and Pledge may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or severance of any relationship with ISR and the applicable research project.
I understand that when my employment, affiliation, visitation or assignment with the Institute for Social Research (ISR) ends, I may not take, remove or disclose any sensitive information and I will be expected to delete any personal copies, whether electronic or paper, of any sensitive information I may have come into possession of during my ISR employment, affiliation, visitation or assignment. I understand former employees are required to continue the confidentiality and security requirements of this Pledge to Safeguard Respondent Confidentiality and I may not reveal any sensitive information I had access or awareness of during my employment at ISR to any third person following the end of my ISR employment. ISR reserves all rights to enforce this policy and defend ISR sensitive information from improper possession, access or use of sensitive information by a former employee in violation of this Policy.
If I supervise affiliates who have access to ISR respondent data (other than unrestricted public release datasets), I will ensure that those affiliates adhere to the same standards of protection of ISR respondent privacy, anonymity, and confidentiality, as required by this Pledge and the associated Policy.
Please enter your UMID in the box below. Your UMID is the 8 digit number found on your MCARD. This is used to confirm your identity and provide an electronic agreement, indicating your acceptance of the ISR Pledge to Safeguard Respondent Privacy.